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Our Story & Founder

I love telling my story because it brings a raw and human side to what inspired this amazing brand. In 2014 I had my first child as a healthy, mature, active woman. And unbeknownst to me, giving birth would change the way the world views supplements for women. See, I was told breastfeeding was the healthiest thing for my baby. What they did not explain was the 700 calories that he would take from me everyday I fed him. What they also did not mention was the chance of developing what's commonly known as postpartum depression. I began to lose weight drastically to the point where I looked completely different. It had a horrible affect on my self esteem and I decided to try everything in my power to regain myself. Everything that I was experiencing, all my lowest of lows showed up on me physically to the world in the form of weight loss.
Searching high and low for a product of some sort that could relate to my symptoms, to my dismay I would only be met with products for men and bodybuilders. I was told to go "lift weights in the gym" with a 5 month old, a job to make ends meet, zero meat on my bones and an unstable mindset. said to “squat low and eat more.” How? I didn’t have an appetite. Other people said to simply drink lots of protein shakes, but after shaking, mixing and consuming so much of this disgusting powder I was only getting smaller. Because the truth is, consuming lots of protein actually promotes weight loss and/or fat loss. “Ok well try Ensure!” That was the next favorite thing strangers would advise me to do. But of course it’s formulated for seniors and was quite pricey to keep supplying every few days.

Why wasn’t there just something, anything for a WOMAN like me? Women, period!? That was my frustration and my shame. I studied, researched, studied more and consulted for months, just to find what works for me. What I instead found was something that works for us all. 
In 2017 I created what you now see as GirlSupps—an all natural safe formula to support women in their recovery journey to healthier happier body weight. In 2018, we rolled out our first original formula which was what I consider the secret game changer for skinny women. The rest is history in the making.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. I want you to know that you are not alone, and what you are dealing with is REAL and can be tough. I see you! And now there's a solution you can trust for overall wellness.
If there’s anything I can leave you with, I’d end with this- 
My faith in God has provided me with the power to manifest genuine compassion in the form of wellness supplements. He can put an answer in anyone. Including you. So if you’re feeling lost right now, I challenge you to figure out the calling on your life… it’s already there, loud and clear. It’s your call… and I pray you answer. 

With real love,
Tiffany xo